Does A Yellow Lab With Green Eyes Exist? Really?

A yellow lab with green eyes is a rare and beautiful sight. This color combination is uncommon in Labradors, as their eyes are typically brown. However, some yellow labs may have green eyes due to a genetic mutation. This mutation does not affect their vision or health and adds to their unique appearance.

lab with green eyes
yellow lab with green eyes

Is there such a thing as a green Labrador?

Green labrador retriever is referred to the rare occurrence of labs with green fur. While the green puppy is rare, it can be found in any dog breed, including labs. A yellow lab puppy can be found green sometimes due to the pigment biliverdin during pregnancy.

Eye Color In Dogs

Eye color in dogs is primarily determined by genetics. Pigment variations result in shades of brown, hazel, or blue. While bright green eyes are rare, they have been observed in yellow Labrador Retrievers. An American pit bull terrier and Husky are popular dog breeds with green eyes.

yellow lab green eyes
green eyes labrador

The Genetics Of Eye Color

Eye color genetics in Labrador Retrievers are complex and influenced by multiple genes. One key factor determining a dog’s eye color is pigmentation. It is determined by the presence or absence of specific genes in its DNA.

Labs have two main pigments: eumelanin (for black and brown colors) and pheomelanin (for red and yellow shades). These pigments affect coat colors and contribute to eye shading. A breed standard, black and yellow Labrador Retriever has very brown eyes. Chocolate Labs have brown or amber eyes.

Genetic mutations can sometimes result in unique eye colors like blue or greenish. Factors like dilute genes could lead to rare Charcoal, Silver, or Champagne Labs variations. They may have different eye shades than expected from a typical Lab.

labrador green eyes
yellow lab with hazel eyes

Common Eye Colors In Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers are known for their beautiful and expressive eyes. Some rare Labrador Retriever eye colors include greenish-yellow, blue, or violet.

A Dudley Labrador may also have lighter-colored eyes. It is due to a lack of pigment around the rims of the eyes or nose of a Dudley lab. These variations do not impact a Labrador’s health or temperament – they make them even more striking and unique!

The Rare Occurrence Of Green Or Greenish-Yellow Eyes In Yellow Labs

Although yellow Labs are known for their friendly dispositions, they are recognized by their dark brown eyes. Yellow Labradors can have green or greenish-yellow eyes, although rare.

Green eyes in dogs are also considered a rare dog eye color. Usually caused by an increase in the amount of yellow pigment pheomelanin compared to eumelanin. Diet can influence this change too.

Factors That Affect Eye Color In Dogs

Exposure to sunlight and medications can impact a dog’s eye color, developmental changes, and health conditions.

Developmental Changes

The color of a dog’s eyes can change during development, which is true for Labrador Retrievers. As puppies, they may have light shades of brown or greenish-yellow eyes. It darkens as they mature into adults.

This is because the melanin in their eyes increases over time, resulting in a darker hue. Owners should also monitor eye color changes closely since they could indicate health issues. If a puppy’s blue eyes do not turn brown by four months, it could be due to an abnormality affecting pigmentation. Cloudiness or redness in one or both eyes may indicate infections or inflammation.

labrador with green eyes
yellow lab eye color

Health Conditions And Injuries

Some health conditions and injuries can affect the appearance of a Labrador’s eyes, including their color.

  • Cataracts: This condition involves cloudiness in the eye’s lens, causing a yellow or white appearance. Cataracts can be hereditary or develop due to aging, diabetes, or other health conditions.
  • Eye Infections: Infections like conjunctivitis or uveitis can cause redness, discharge, and inflammation. It may affect the dog’s eye color.
  • Trauma: Injury to the eye area can result in changes to appearance, including discoloration or uneven pigmentation.
  • Pigmentary Uveitis: This condition is more common in certain breeds like Golden Retriever. Labradors can experience it too. It can result in inflammation and damage to the eyes, which can change their appearance over time.

Environmental Factors

Exposure to sunlight can cause some dogs to develop lighter or darker irises. A dog’s environment can influence its eye color through diet and nutrition. Vitamins A and E are essential for healthy eyesight and pigment development. Feed your dog a well-balanced diet to maintain its coat and eyes vibrancy.

Breeding And Genetics Of Yellow Labs

Responsible breeding practices aim to produce healthy yellow Labs with desirable traits. Potential genetic mutations or variations may lead to health issues related to eye color.

Responsible Breeding Practices

Regarding eye color, breeders should prioritize preserving the breed standard’s requirements.

  1. Avoid breeding dogs with genetic mutations, which can indicate potential health issues.
  2. Breeders must carefully select parent dogs with healthy genetics free from deformities. A pink nose or no black on their coat could affect the puppies’ health.
  3. Before breeding, appropriate genetic tests should be performed to ensure they do not produce offspring with harmful traits.

Responsible breeding practices are crucial when producing a purebred dog.

white lab with blue eyes
lab eye color

Potential Genetic Mutations Or Variations

Labrador Retrievers have various coat colors. They range from black, yellow, and chocolate to dilute colors like charcoal, silver, or champagne. These coat color variations result from specific genes being expressed during development. There are also potential genetic mutations or variations that impact a Labrador’s eye color.

A variation in the TYRP1 gene can affect pigmentation, resulting in blue or greenish-yellow eyes. This mutation is common in dogs with dilute coat colors. Some Labradors may carry recessive genes for blue eyes that only become apparent when bred with another carrier.

Health Issues Related To Eye Color

Labrador Retrievers with eye color variations, such as green or blue eyes, may be more susceptible to certain eye problems.

  • Eye infections: Dogs with lighter eye colors have less protective pigmentation in their eyes. It makes them more vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections.
  • Cataracts: Some genetic mutations that cause unusual coat and eye colors in Labs can also increase the risk of cataracts. This can lead to vision loss and require surgical intervention.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): PRA is an inherited disease that gradually deteriorates a dog’s retina, leading to blindness.
  • Entropion: A condition where the eyelids turn inward towards the eyeball, causing irritation and potentially damaging the cornea. Labrador Retrievers with lighter eyes are more prone to this condition.
  • Glaucoma: Unusual pigmentation patterns around the eyes and nose area can indicate a higher risk for glaucoma. It is characterized by increased pressure within the eyeball that damages the optic nerve over time.
hazel eye green eyed dogs
dudley lab eye color


What color eyes should a yellow Lab have?

Eye color should be brown in black and yellow dogs in the Labrador breed. Chocolate labradors can have hazel or brown eyes.

How rare is it for dogs to have green eyes?

Green eyed canines are rare but striking. From bulldogs to beagles, most dogs possess varying shades of brown. Merlin gene-producing eumelanin, a brown pigment in the iris, has a significant role in green eyes.

Do yellow Labs have light-colored eyes?

A Dudley labrador is a yellow labrador born without any pigment on their eye rims, nose, and feet. They usually have pale-colored eyes that can be blue or teal.

What is the rarest Labrador color?

Chocolate labs are the rarest of all labrador types. Only EEbb and Eebb genes produce chocolate labs. They have brown noses and hazel or brown eyes.

Why does my Labrador have green eyes?

Merle, the second gene, is needed to produce green, blue or amber eyes. This gene-reducing eumelanin creates patches. Green eye dogs have less eumelanin, while dogs with blue eyes have none.

What color eyes does a purebred Lab have?

Labrador retriever eye color usually falls into two categories – hazel and brown. As per breed standards, yellow and black labs have brown eyes. A chocolate labrador may possess brown or hazel.

Can yellow Labs have green eyes?

Purebred labradors only possess black, brown, or yellow eyes. However, some mixed-breed labs can have green, hazel, or yellow-green eyes.

What is a Dudley yellow Lab?

A Dudley labrador is a yellow lab with the absence of pigment in their eye rims, nose, and feet. They appear pink as a result and have pale-colored eyes.

Are Dudley Labs more expensive?

Dudley labradors are more expensive than yellow labradors. It is because they are rare. Dudley labradors are as healthy as yellow labradors but cost more due to their rarity. Besides, a yellow lab is the most affordable option.

How can you tell if a yellow Lab is purebred?

Visual assessment, DNA test, and pedigree papers are three ways to determine if a lab is purebred. Visual assessments may not always be accurate as they adhere to official breed standards.

Why do some chocolate Labs have green eyes?

Chocolate labradors mostly have hazel or brown eyes. A chocolate lab can have a high proportion of green in hazel, closest to blue. It is very unusual and distinct.

Author Profile

Samta Pandey
Samta PandeyIn House Labrador Trainer
Samta is an experienced Labrador trainer and enthusiast with over 5 years of hands-on experience, contributing invaluable insights and advice to Her deep understanding of Labrador temperament and intelligence underpins her effective training techniques and product recommendations. Through firsthand experience of the joys and challenges of raising Labradors, Samta's articles provide expert advice for both seasoned and new Labrador owners, covering training, care, and innovative product selection. Her commitment to enhancing the well-being of Labradors and their owners permeates her work, making it an indispensable resource for Labrador enthusiasts