Yes, Aquaphor is generally safe to use on dogs. Aquaphor is an ointment that helps moisturize and soothe dry, irritated skin. It can be applied sparingly to a dog’s dry nose, paws, or cracked skin. Do not apply near the eyes. Use only externally and discontinue if redness or irritation occurs. Consult a vet before use on open wounds. Overall, Aquaphor can help manage a dog’s dry skin when used properly.

Decoding Aquaphor
Aquaphor is a petroleum-based ointment commonly used for treating dry skin and minor injuries in humans. The soothing properties of this topical salve have made it a popular choice among skincare enthusiasts.
Despite its human-centric application, many pet owners wonder if Aquaphor can also be safely used on dogs.
What is it?
Aquaphor is a healing ointment. People use it for dry, hurt, or itchy skin. The skin doctor suggests using this moist balm on red areas of the body. It acts as a shield to keep the skin safe.
This soothes and fixes tough skin fast so you can feel better sooner.
Uses for humans
Aquaphor is great for taking care of human skin. It helps when your skin is dry or cracked. If you have a small cut or burn, Aquaphor can help it heal better. Many people use it as a skin moisturizer too.
It even helps with an issue called hyperkeratosis, where skin gets too thick and rough.
Some people use Aquaphor to cure their pet’s itchiness caused by dry skin. This ointment is safe and non-toxic so it won’t harm your pets if they lick it off their fur or paws. But never put Aquaphor on your dog’s eyes, stitches, or hot spots because that could be bad for them.
Aquaphor vs. Vaseline
While both Aquaphor and Vaseline are petroleum-based products, there are key differences in their makeup and uses; understanding these details is crucial to determine which product is safer and more beneficial for your dog’s skin conditions.
Differences and similarities
Aquaphor and Vaseline are alike in many ways. Both act as skin protectors. They lock in moisture and help heal dry, rough skin. But they have differences too. Aquaphor uses petroleum jelly like Vaseline but adds other ingredients.
These extras make it a bit more than just a moisturizer. It soothes the skin as well as protects it from drying out again quickly after you put it on.
Is Aquaphor safe for dogs?
While Aquaphor is generally considered safe for dogs, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before application and understand potential risks. Read on to explore the expert opinions and safety considerations around using this ointment for your furry friend.
Opinions of veterinarians
Many vets say Aquaphor is safe for dogs. They see it as a good care product. In fact, they often tell pet owners to use it on their dogs’ skin. Yet, they also warn about cats. If a cat eats Aquaphor, it can get sick.
Before using Aquaphor on your dog, talk to your vet first. This is very important for the right usage and dosage. Every dog is different so what works for one might not work for others.
Potential risks
Using Aquaphor on dogs could lead to some risks. Here’s a list of those you need to know:
- Skin reactions: Dogs are not humans. Their skin may react badly to Aquaphor.
- Higher risk of infections: Using the wrong products can make your dog sick.
- Eating problems: Dogs might lick or eat the product off their skin.
- Side effects from eating: If a dog eats too much Aquaphor, it is not good for its health.
- Bad recovery: A wrong use of the product might lead to healing issues.
How to use Aquaphor on dogs
When applying Aquaphor to your dog’s skin, use a small amount and gently rub it into the affected area, taking care not to let your pet ingest it. Discover more on recommended dosages and potential side effects in this insightful post.
Recommended application
Put a thin layer of Aquaphor on your dog’s skin. It is safe for dry noses, cracked paws and minor cuts. Don’t put it in the eyes. Only use it on clean wounds that don’t have infection.
Make sure to speak with a vet before starting this treatment. Your dog will feel better with this moisturizing care!
Possible side effects
Using Aquaphor on dogs is safe but it has some possible side effects. These are:
- Dogs may get an upset stomach. They can start to throw up or have diarrhea.
- Dogs may lick the Aquaphor off their bodies. This can lead to digestive troubles if they swallow too much.
- Using it on different body parts needs care. Be cautious with spots like the nose, eyes, and ears as it could cause discomfort if applied improperly.
Benefits of using Aquaphor on dogs
Aquaphor’s moisturizing properties can aid in relieving your dog’s dry and scaly skin, promoting the healing of minor injuries, and treating common rashes and sores. Explore more about how this popular ointment could potentially benefit your furry friend’s well-being!
Relief from dry, scaly skin
Dry, scaly skin is a common problem in dogs. It can make your pet itchy and uncomfortable. Aquaphor helps soothe this issue. This cream softens the skin and brings moisture back to the surface.
It also takes away pain and redness that rough, dry patches may cause. So, using Aquaphor on your dog’s skin can lead to less scratching and more comfort for them!
Healing of minor injuries
Aquaphor is a top choice for healing minor injuries in dogs. Vets often suggest it. It works well on small skin wounds. This ointment keeps the wound moist. The dog’s skin doesn’t dry out and form scabs too soon.
This can make healing times shorter. Aquaphor is just as good at helping wounds heal as other skin ointments are. Many dog owners see great results when using it to care for their pet’s skin health.
Treatment of rashes and sores
Aquaphor is very helpful if your dog has rashes or sores. Dogs can get itchy and irritated skin from fleas, allergies, or even just dry air. Aquaphor soothes the itch and relieves their discomfort right away.
The ointment forms a barrier on the skin which locks in moisture to help heal.
In addition to soothing itchy, rashy skin, Aquaphor helps with pressure sores too. Sometimes dogs lie down in the same spot for too long and get sore spots on their body. Rubbing some Aquaphor into these areas can make them feel better fast.
But you should always clean a wound first before applying any type of ointment like Aquaphor.
Other safe products for dry skin in dogs
Discover effective alternatives to Aquaphor for treating dry skin in dogs, from pet-approved ointments to natural remedies.
Alternatives to Aquaphor
There are other products dogs can use for dry skin instead of Aquaphor. Coconut oil is one of those products that works well for this problem. Just a small amount can help keep your dog’s skin moist and healthy.
Paw balm and shea butter have the same effect, too. They also make the skin smooth and soft to touch. You can even make your own treatments at home but only if you know exactly what to do.
It is easy to hurt your pet if you don’t do things right when making these homemade remedies.
Natural remedies
Coconut oil can help dogs with dry skin. It is a safe and natural remedy. It soothes and relieves dry skin in dogs so they feel better. A humidifier at home can also help with pets’ itchy and dry skin.
Other things like borax powder, Dawn liquid soap, Epsom salts, or baking soda are good too. They are non-toxic solutions for a dog’s dry skin problem. These gentle methods to relieve the itchiness of your pet use natural ingredients that you usually have at home already!
Tips for safely using Aquaphor on dogs
Always keep an eye on your dog after applying Aquaphor to prevent them from licking it off, and ensure the ointment is stored safely out of reach.
Avoiding ingestion
Dogs should not eat Aquaphor. It can harm them if they take it in large amounts. The product is not highly toxic, but if your dog swallows a lot, it may upset its stomach. Keep the product out of your dog’s reach.
If your dog does eat a lot of Aquaphor, get help from a vet right away. When you use the product on your dog’s skin, make sure it does not lick much of it off.
Proper storage
Keep Aquaphor in a cool and dry place. Don’t leave it near high heat. Make sure pets and kids can’t reach it. If you have questions, ask your pharmacist how to store it best. They know the safe way to keep skin care items like Aquaphore.
Common questions about using Aquaphor on dogs
In this segment, we’ll address the prevalent queries pet owners often have about applying Aquaphor on their dogs, such as its safety for treating cuts and whether it’s appropriate to use on a dog’s nose.
Can it be used on cuts?
Yes, Aquaphor can help heal minor skin wounds on dogs. Vets often suggest using this ointment for cuts without any deep infections. It aids the healing process by keeping the area moist and clean.
If your dog has a cut, you can put a small amount of Aquaphor on it after cleaning.
Aquaphor is safe to use on surface skin injuries in dogs. Yet, too much licking might upset your dog’s stomach mildly. Use an e-collar or cone if needed to stop them from licking it off.
You can also put Aquaphor on your dog’s stitches but do so with care. Use just enough to cover the wound lightly.
Can it be used on a dog’s nose?
Yes, Aquaphor can be used on a dog’s nose. Dry nose problems in dogs can lead to chapping and irritation. Putting this healing balm helps fix these skin issues. It acts as a moisturizer that gives relief to your pet’s dry skin.
Many vets agree it is safe for use on their noses. However, make sure your dog does not eat the ointment after you put it on his nose. Apply Aquaphor many times each day till your dog feels better.
Can I put Aquaphor on my dog’s skin?
Yes, you can use Aquaphor on your dog’s dry or cracked skin to help moisturize and soothe it.
Is Aquaphor safe for dogs if they lick it off?
Aquaphor is not toxic to dogs but its consumption in large amounts can cause upset stomachs, so try to stop them from licking it.
How often should I apply Aquaphor onto my dog’s skin?
You should apply Aquaphor on your dog’s affected areas as needed, usually once or twice daily until the area heals.
Do I need a vet’s permission to use Aquaphor on my dog?
While it is always best to consult with a vet first, using small amounts of Aquaphor generally does not require their approval.
Are there any risks of using Aquaphor on dogs?
The main risk of using Aquaphor is that while non-toxic if ingested in large quantities by your pet, it may cause digestive issues such as vomiting or diarrhea.
Author Profile

- Lifetime dog Enthusiast
- Shradha is a seasoned writer at, an authoritative resource for all things Labrador Retriever. Her experience as a pet owner and dog enthusiast drives her to create meticulously researched and fact-checked content, offering valuable insights on Labrador training, grooming, and health. Each article reflects Shradha's passion and dedication, enriched by personal experiences with her beloved Labradors, Tom, and Kurt. Whether exploring breed-specific training techniques or providing product reviews, Shradha ensures Labrador owners receive the most accurate, up-to-date, and trustworthy information, aimed at enhancing their companions' health and happiness
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