A labrador Retriever is the most adored breed with lots of energy. Labs are playful, intelligent, and loyal. However, behavior can get extreme on occasion. Is it unspent energy, or are labradors hyper?
The labrador dog needs help if their energy levels are above the average range. Hearing the term ‘hyper’ is weird for some. Owners have often highlighted the wild nature of labrador retrievers.
If your search bar looks like – ‘are labradors hyper’ or ‘how to calm a lab,’ you are at the right spot. Keep reading to find the causes and solutions for your hyper-labrador.
why are lab puppies so hyper?
Lack Of Daily Exercise
Inadequate or lack of exercise will result in hyperactivity. Labrador retriever is a high-energetic breed requiring plenty of exercise time. They look for other ways if you still need to catch up on the routine ones.
Jumping around insanely can be one. They need an hour of exercise daily. It is 5 minutes per month for puppies. Some may require two hours of exercise.
- Regular walks, tug of war, fetch play, swimming, etc., are excellent activities.
- Split a day’s activities into a few walks and play sessions.
- Check with your vet for specific exercise needs.
Labs are like kids. They get hyper when bored. Insufficient training, attention, or exercise can cause it. The anxiety makes them hyper. Destructive behavior ensues, like chewing shoes, furniture, and clothes. Excitement is Ok, but destructive behavior is the key symptom of being hyper. Labs left alone for the entire day can reflect this behavior.

Health & Food Issues
It can also result from your dog eating things he shouldn’t. Side effects from medicines are another underlying hyperactivity cause. Particular food trigger hyperactive behavior in labs.
A pet owner reported his lab getting hyper after consuming buttercream frosting. If your dog reacts to particular food items, avoid them. Consult your vet for appropriate diet and medicine recommendations.
Labs can become hyper if something makes them fearful. Reflecting the excessive level of energy is their mechanism of responding to stress.
Thunderstorms, fireworks, sirens, loud noises, other barking dogs, etc., can be reasons. It is due mainly to no copying experience at all. Rescue labs have higher chances as the owner is unaware of the dog’s history.
Strange or unfamiliar people can also trigger hyperactivity. Some labs respond by hiding. Others display excessive energy. They start jumping to get out of such situations.
Temperament & Lack Of Training Issues
Labradors are calm temperament and friendly. However, they may have varied personalities. Personality depends significantly on breeding. Consequently, labrador puppies inherit different energy levels from their dog parent.
Temperament can result from an inheritance, irrespective of age. Some breeders have a reputation for raising labs with mild temperaments. Research the breeder to learn about the pup’s traits.
Lack Of Mental Stimulation
The brain requires exercise for upkeep. Intelligent labs get bored with improper mental stimulation. Mental stimulation becomes essential for the labrador’s sanity. A lack of mental stimulation results in erratic behavior.
- Spend 15-20 minutes daily teaching new tricks.
- Repeat till your lab learns it.
- Play games like ‘find it’ to keep the mind active. It will keep your dog’s nose and brain sharp.
Dogs are like humans in many ways and can experience ADHD symptoms too. Certain social and physical factors trigger them. Lack of socialization and fear are a few.
Breeds like German shepherd has higher chances. Consult a vet if your lab shows severe ADHD symptoms.
“Hyper” Traits: Where Do They Come From?
Labs are high-energetic dogs. They can be historically traced to tracking and hunting activities in cold waters. A noticeable increase in aggression or hyperactivity has been attributed to careless breeders. The quality degrades when breeders run after supplying too many puppies.
The maturity factor comes into play when assessing the labrador for hyperactivity. A lab puppy matures a little late compared to others. They may look mature with the curiosity and energy of a puppy.
How To Calm Down A Dog – Top Tips For Calm Dogs
Hyperactivity is a consequence of anxiousness. This unwanted behavior can be managed. If your dog inhibits hyper symptoms, the below tips can help.
Step 1: Take Control Of Your Dog
Labradors are large dogs. Teaching them basic manners as early puppies becomes essential.
- Teach them what is acceptable and what’s not.
- Positive training provides control over your lab.
It becomes easier to manage them around other pets and people.
Step 2: Calming the Activity Level Of Your Dog
While having a calm labrador around is great, there’s more. They won’t stay the same without exercise. They need adequate exercise and training to maintain calm. Pro Tip? Get a lab only if you can commit to the training and exercise. Else, they can turn destructive.

Step 3: Change What You Do Around Your Dog
Be Low Key
Some dogs get nervous seeing the owner leave the house. Separation anxiety can make them destructive.
- Keep your entries and exits casual.
- Stay low-key and avoid too many greetings.
- Try ignoring the pup for a while once you get back.
Avoid Physical Play
Some labradors do not get tired even with excess physical activity. Mental stimulation can aid here. Grab dog puzzles and a few toys to exercise the brain. A few owners report their pups energized from 2 hours of walk. However, it must be limited to protect joints.
Don’t Ignore The Calm!
While bad behavior is concerning, so is calm. Too much calm in your dog suggests suffering. They can go from hyper to calm when unable to cope. Keep an eye on your pooch and take proper measures instead of ignoring it.
Step 4: Provide Activities For Your Dog
Giving more physical activity is among the best ways to tackle hyperactive dogs. A small space or absence of a yard can make it challenging. A few walks in the neighborhood or runs can help, or a fetch game For puppies, playing and training is enough.
The Best Ways To Engage
- Having a routine is beneficial.
- Daily morning and evening walk ensure excess energy is burnt.
- Take your pooch for fetch games if you have a yard.
- A five-minute fetch game can burn excess energy and calm your hyper dog.
Step 5: Teach Your Dog To Relax
Effective training techniques teach relaxation.
- Ask your dog to lie down and see if it follows.
- Say the word relax when the dog lies down.
- Repeating this for a few days will turn it into a habit.
- You can manage them by asking to relax when hyper.
Step 6: Calming Music For Dogs
Apart from humans, canines benefit from music therapy too. Music can have a relaxing impact on your pooch. You can also use it to distract them from scary noises. Leave your dog with music when they are alone to see the difference.
Can Labradors Be Left Alone?
Leave your labrador alone, only for a short time. It will impact the dog if you are mostly out. Their physical and mental stimulation needs may need to be met. Consequently, you will notice destructive behavioral like excessive chewing of items.
How To Calm Down A Dog During Fireworks?
Festive times are among the best, but not when fireworks and a dog are inside. Here are tips to calm your pooch –
- Maintain your calm. Dogs are intelligent and observe non-verbal language. Your dog will automatically get hyper seeing you stressed.
- Engage your dog in physical exercise and play throughout the day. Consequently, they will need more energy for the firework show to bother them at night.
- Play music to distract your dog. Look for specific music types to calm anxious dogs.
- Keep the curtains down to keep the flashlights away.
How To Calm A Dog Down In The Car?
Dogs can get uncomfortable during car rides. Music can calm their nerves on a ride. Let them explore the car beforehand to get accustomed. Provide them with a treat and reassurance for comfort. And in no time, the car will become their territory.
How To Calm Down A Barking Dog?
- Correct your dog’s hyperactive behavior using a sound, look, or physical correction.
- Relax the dog with patience.
- You getting frustrated during correction must be avoided. Your dog mirrors your energy, be careful.
- Excessive barking also results from pent-up energy. Find ways to release it through physical and mental stimulation. If it’s still too much, see a vet.
How To Calm Down A Female Dog In Heat?
A female dog can get anxious in heat. Pay more attention than ever during this phase. Keep her indoors for a few weeks and engage in exciting training. The goal is to tire her mentally and not learn more tricks. Leave a few interactive toys to keep her occupied. Create a calm atmosphere at home to make her feel better.

How To Calm A Dog Down For Nail Clipping?
- Your voice should be gentle. Start relaxing the dog by rubbing the paws gently.
- Move toward the toes and apply some pressure.
- Squeeze each toe softly and see if the dog pulls back.
- Continue with it when the pooch feels settled.
- Some believe sedating the pup is one of the best ways to trim nails. Consult a vet for sedation type.
How To Calm Down A Dog In A Crate?
Simple tricks to make dogs feel comfortable in a crate. Getting a new dog a crate is an excellent way to relax them.
- Never force your canine friend inside or outside the crate.
- Make the space comfortable by adding toys and blankets.
- Hide treats inside, and they may want to stay out.
How To Calm A Dog Down With Medication?
Medication is among the few tools that can make a difference.
Benadryl is an antihistamine and nor a sedative. It helps relieve energy symptoms, and sedation is a side effect. While it has a good safety margin, consult a professional for the correct dosage. It benefits car sickness.
Adaptil For Calm Dogs
Adaptil calms dogs during stress. Manage excessive barking with it. Regarding separation anxiety, the results can differ from dog to dog. Another study suggests the positive effect of Adaptil on young puppies. The crying at night is reduced with its consumption.

FAQs of hyperactive labrador
what age do labradors calm down?
Labs calm down between two and four. Mental maturation usually occurs at this age in the majority of dogs.
Which Labs Are The Calmest?
Yellow labradors become therapy and service dogs. It indicates their calm nature.
Which Labs Are The Most Hyper?
A report suggests chocolate labs be noisier than others. They have a higher chance of getting irritated when ignored.
What Are The Bad Traits Of A Labrador Retriever?
A few drawbacks of labradors include – they need plenty of space, shed too much, and have high energy.
Do Labradors Hold Grudges?
Research indicates that labs have an emotional capability to hold grudges. They tend to remember past events and can throw tantrums because of it.
Do Labradors Defend Their Owners?
Labrador retrievers may not be protective in the same way as other guard dogs. However, they may protect the owner or household from possible threats. But they are far from the threatening category.
are labrador retrievers high energy?
Labrador Retrievers are considered to have a moderate to high energy level. They were bred to be working dogs, and they still have the energy and stamina of their ancestors. A healthy adult Labrador Retriever will need at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise a day, which can include walking, running, playing fetch, swimming, or jogging. Without enough exercise, Labs can become bored and destructive.
are labradors quiet dogs?
Labrador Retrievers are generally considered to be quiet dogs. They are not known for barking excessively, and they are often described as being gentle and docile
Author Profile

- In House Labrador Trainer
- Samta is an experienced Labrador trainer and enthusiast with over 5 years of hands-on experience, contributing invaluable insights and advice to Labradorandyou.com. Her deep understanding of Labrador temperament and intelligence underpins her effective training techniques and product recommendations. Through firsthand experience of the joys and challenges of raising Labradors, Samta's articles provide expert advice for both seasoned and new Labrador owners, covering training, care, and innovative product selection. Her commitment to enhancing the well-being of Labradors and their owners permeates her work, making it an indispensable resource for Labrador enthusiasts
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