A puppy thrown out of daycare might indicate inadequate supervision or misbehavior that the daycare staff found unacceptable. It could potentially cause distress to the puppy and its owner.
If this happens, you must look after the puppy’s welfare and address any concerns regarding the daycare’s policies and practices. Consider researching and choosing a reputable daycare facility that prioritizes animal welfare and safety. Seek advice from a veterinarian to help your puppy adapt to new environments.

Common Reasons Why Puppies Get Expelled From Dog Daycare?
Inappropriate behavior towards other dogs, engaging in rough play, experiencing separation anxiety or stress, etc., are some reasons behind the expel.
1. Behavior Towards Other Dogs Or Staff: Daycare Environment
A common reason puppies get thrown out of daycare is their behavior toward other dogs or staff members. Aggressive tendencies can develop in any breed, manifesting as growling, snapping, or biting.
It doesn’t necessarily mean your pup is a “bad” dog. Sometimes, they may react out of fear or anxiety in an unfamiliar environment.
Here you need to understand your pup’s behavior – whether rooted in anxiety, stress, etc. This can help you address it effectively.

2. Inappropriate Play
Not all dogs have the same play style or energy levels. What may be perfectly fine for one dog might feel overwhelming or even threatening to another.
Pet parents and daycare staff must find a suitable environment where everyone can enjoy themselves safely. Your puppy may struggle with understanding appropriate boundaries during playtime at doggy daycare.
It can mean incessantly barking or jumping on other dogs, mounting (even after being corrected), playing too rough, etc. They may exhibit resource-guarding behaviors over toys.
These issues stem from inadequate socialization during their early development period. They can still benefit from further training and guidance.
Minimizing accidental injuries is crucial when creating a safe environment. More essential when managing groups filled with various breeds, sizes, ages, and personalities!
3. Separation Anxiety Or Stress
Separation anxiety and stress can lead to a puppy being thrown out of daycare. It affects their day-to-day life and can hinder their ability to socialize with other dogs.
A pup experiencing separation anxiety becomes overly attached to its owner. They exhibit excessive barking, destructive behavior, or even attempt escape when left alone.
Pet parents think placing their anxious pooch in a group setting will help them cope better. However, it might have quite the opposite effect by worsening their state of mind.
Aggression towards humans or other dogs; withdrawal from play; excessive panting; trembling, etc., are a few symptoms.

4. Not A Good Fit For The Daycare
Every dog has unique personality traits and preferences. It affects how they interact with other dogs and people.
Some pups prefer one-on-one playtime or structured activities instead of group play. Certain breeds have different needs that may not be met in a standard doggie daycare program.
Assess your puppy’s temperament and socialization skills to determine if they are a good candidate. If your pup is uncomfortable around many dogs, seek alternative care options.
Finding Alternative Care For Your Puppy
Find alternative care that fits their needs if your puppy has been kicked out of daycare.
Assessing Your Puppy’s Needs
Assessing your puppy’s needs is crucial when finding alternative care. Every dog has a different personality, energy level, and play style. A high-energy breed like a Jack Russell Terrier may need more exercise and mental stimulation than a laid-back breed.
Consider any behavioral issues your puppy may have. Does your pup jump on people? Are they afraid of other dogs?

Considering Other Care Options
- Safe Confinement: Safe confinement can be a great alternative for puppies unsuitable for group environments. It involves providing a safe and secure space for the puppy to play and rest while supervised.
- Dog Walkers: Hire a walker to take your pet to the dog park. A dog walker is another option if you can’t handle the fast-paced daycare environment.
- Play Dates: Another way to socialize your puppy is by arranging a play date with other dogs in a supervised setting.
- Puppy Training Classes: Puppy training classes help your pup learn basic obedience. It will allow for socializing with other dogs in a controlled environment.
- In-Home Care Providers: There are professional in-home care providers if you prefer someone to come to care for your pup. They offer services such as feeding, exercise, and playtime.
Finding A New Daycare
- First, assess what had gone wrong at his previous daycare.
- Research different doggy daycares by checking online reviews and requesting referrals.
- Ask about their dog screening process and staff qualifications.
- Observe how they interacted with the dogs in their care to see if it would fit your pup well.

How To Ensure Proper Treatment Of Your Puppy In Doggy Daycare?
Screening Daycare Providers
When screening potential providers, make sure to check their qualifications and certifications. Look for daycare providers that are licensed and insured.
Observing interactions between staff and dogs is also important. Ask if you can watch how they handle pets during playtime or feeding time. Are they patient? Do they communicate effectively with the dogs?
Checking Qualifications And Certifications
Here are some qualifications and certifications to check for:
- Pet First Aid Certification: Daycare staff should have this certification to respond promptly if any medical emergencies arise.
- Continuing Education: The staff should receive ongoing education to stay updated on best practices, new techniques, and current trends.
- Professional Dog Daycare Counselors: Know if the daycare has trained professionals with dog behavior, psychology, and training certifications.
- Proper Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the daycare has proper licenses from relevant authorities and adequate insurance coverage.
- Quality Control Standards: Check if the facility adheres to quality standards like safety, cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation, and maintenance.
- Employee Screening Process: Verify that the employees undergo background checks, drug testing, and behavioral assessments before being hired.
- Referral or References: Ask around or research other pet parents’ experiences with the daycare provider before trusting them.

Observing Interactions
Observe how your puppy interacts with dogs and daycare staff. Ensure the daycare provider allows you to observe interactions before enrolling and occasionally afterward.
If there is any negative or aggressive behavior from other dogs towards your puppy, speak up immediately.
Your pup may be fearful or anxious around them, leading to injury if left unchecked. Keep an eye on how the staff handles conflicts between dogs.
Pay attention to how your puppy acts around people they don’t know well. If they seem hesitant or aggressive towards strangers, consider working on socialization training.

Asking For Referrals And References
Ask for referrals and references from other pet parents. These can include friends, family members, or even online reviews on Yelp or Google.
How To Take Action If Your Puppy Is Mistreated And Kicked?
If you suspect your puppy has been mistreated in daycare, document the incident and report it. Seek medical attention for your pet if necessary.
Documenting The Incident
Documenting can involve taking pictures or videos of any injuries. It can also include unusual behavior your puppy displays after attending daycare.
- Record any conversations or interactions you have with staff members about the incident.
- Get a copy of the daycare’s policies and procedures and any contracts you signed when enrolling your puppy.
These documents provide valuable information about what is expected from both parties. It benefits if legal action becomes necessary.
Documenting the incident isn’t just about seeking justice for your puppy. It will also protect other pets who might attend the same facility.

Reporting To Authorities
If you suspect mistreatment, neglect, or abuse of your puppy at a dog daycare, take action. Start by documenting what happened in as much detail as possible. Report it to local animal control or law enforcement agencies depending on the severity.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has a national Animal Poison Control Center hotline. Licensed veterinarians help assess the situation and advise on the next steps.
Seeking Medical Attention If Necessary
If you notice any signs of injury in your puppy after being thrown out of daycare, seek medical attention immediately. Even if the injuries seem minor, they could worsen quickly, leading to more severe problems.
If your puppy requires veterinary treatment due to mistreatment or negligence by a dog daycare facility, sue them for damages.
Lawsuits can hold negligent pet owners accountable for their actions while providing compensation for medical expenses.

Why did my dog get kicked out of daycare?
A dog getting kicked out of daycare means they don’t like large crowds. It does not indicate they are not great or something is wrong with them.
Is it bad for puppies to go to daycare?
Doggie daycare benefits dogs of all ages, especially puppies. A doggy daycare offers plenty of opportunities like new environments, new people, dogs, sights, etc. It is excellent for socialization and bettering a dog’s behavior.
Do dogs get sad when you leave them at daycare?
Dogs can be sad and depressed at daycares. They get insecure with the absence of the leader and feel frustrated. It becomes a safety concern as dogs can become aggressive.
What age is best for dog daycare?
The best age to socialize your pup is 7 weeks and 4 months, per American Kennel Association. A 14 weeks puppy who has received all the vaccinations is ready to join the doggy daycare.
How do I know if my dog hates daycare?
A dog uninterested in daycare seems reactive or aggressive toward other pups. They may also appear fearful around new people and pets.
What puppy was thrown out of daycare for lying on other dogs has internet in stitches?
A husky jumping on the backs of fellow dogs is a funny story that has gone viral. The pooch was thrown out of the doggy daycare for such overexcitement.
Is it OK to leave puppy at daycare?
A doggy daycare is an ideal spot for a puppy. It is an outlet to channel their energy and play. A doggie daycare also teaches them to bond with other people and dogs.
Can dogs learn bad habits from dog daycare?
A dog can mimic another dog’s behavior at the doggy daycare. It is referred to as allelomimetic behavior. Your dog will not automatically learn a new behavior or better the existing ones.
Do dogs hate doggy daycare?
The new environment, sound, smell, etc., can be too much for some dogs. It can result in fear and anxiety. It entirely depends on the dog. Some like doggy daycares, while others don’t.
Why is my dog aggressive at daycare?
A dog abandoned in the past may reflect fear with the primary caregiver not around. They reflect fear-based aggression, like being jumped on by another dog.
Do dogs miss you at daycare?
Several studies show that dogs reflect negative behavior when away from their owners. They can start missing their owners right from the time of departure. Dogs can miss them more up to two hours.
Author Profile

- In House Labrador Trainer
- Samta is an experienced Labrador trainer and enthusiast with over 5 years of hands-on experience, contributing invaluable insights and advice to Labradorandyou.com. Her deep understanding of Labrador temperament and intelligence underpins her effective training techniques and product recommendations. Through firsthand experience of the joys and challenges of raising Labradors, Samta's articles provide expert advice for both seasoned and new Labrador owners, covering training, care, and innovative product selection. Her commitment to enhancing the well-being of Labradors and their owners permeates her work, making it an indispensable resource for Labrador enthusiasts
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